Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Freedom of Speech or Freedom to Hate

While researching a topic for our proposal paper, I came across a website that had a very interesting article titled Why Islam Should NOT Be Protected Under the US Constitution.

Like any individual I was very interested in reading this articles argument as to why religious freedom should no longer be protected by the Constitution. In short the article did it's best job of interpreting the Constitution and interpreting The Qur'an, and overall it took a very Right Wing conservative approach in it interpretation of both documents. The article used fear to drum up a storm against Muslims, citing that Islam is "not" a region, but that it is a "totalitarian form of government seeking COMPLETE DOMINANCE". Author Kevin Lehmann, not only makes outrageous statements about Islam, he also does his best to back these statements with his OWN interpretation of the Constitution. When talking about rights being given to us by 'God', Lehmann explains, that 'God' gave these rights to us as Americans and therefore any outsider (Muslim) should not be granted these rights. I could talk more about the article but I feel if you read it, you will have your own comments to make about Mr. Lehmann's views on the constitution and Islam.

To make such a claims and statements about a religion is very ignorant and hateful, but this is the United States and everyone is granted the freedom to say whatever they damn well please.

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