Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Donald

I love that we have freedom of speech, because I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion. And, Donald Trump once again showed how important it is that we can say what ever we please.Earlier this week Donald Trump proclaimed that he would pay $5 million dollars to President Obama's charity of choice if he would release his college records and passport. I don't know Donald personally, but if I was his friend I would ask him to keep his opinions to himself. Sometimes keeping our opinions to our self is not a bad route to take,because making ignorant statements in our society normally gets you labeled as a bigot or racist. And these are terms no one wants to be labeled, yet everyday it seems that someone has something hateful or racist to say about our President that are not even based on his policies, but more so on the color of his skin or the name on his birth certificate.


  1. I know in class we talked about if a person of public importance opens up their lives and anything & everything regarding them are fair game, but seriously? I don't like Trump's questioning, but more importantly, I don't see the relevance. President Obama has already had 4 years in office--aren't his actions that he's done or not done more important at this point than his college transcripts. I feel like he's working backwards and just reaching for allusion to a scandal that's already come and gone just because it's near election time.

  2. In my view Trump's stunt is designed to inflame the passions of the Tea Party-ers and the Birth-ers -- who don't believe Obama was born in the US and hence think he is ineligible to be President-- in the lead up to the election. But, as you say Anthony, I'm also glad he has the freedom to make public proclamations like this. There are countries where you can be thrown in jail for attempting to bring contempt down on the head of the supreme leader.

  3. Update: There's a petition going around by Macy's supporters to have Trump removed from their Christmas ads. In the commercial, Trump pulls St. Nick's beard and asks if he's "the real St. Nick". There's over 300,000 signatures on the petition because they believe it's a poor allusion to the situation you discussed above. The best part? Trump says he wants proof there's actually 300,000 signatures and to verify that they're authentic.

  4. Like Trump has mentioned himself, he had nothing to loose. Instead, he gained thousands of twitter views...another one of his stunts. It made me dislike him even more...thanks for the interesting update, Krystina.
