Monday, October 29, 2012

$ = Power?

Are final blog prompt asks us if we believe 'soaking' the rich will help our fix the inequality in our economy. Now being an individual with limited understand of how our economic system works, I can only say that everyone should pay a tax rate equivalent to the amount they make. Even as I write these statements, I am unsure as to how this could work, but I like to think those that we have elected will somehow make things fair for everyone. Even that last sentence made me laugh, because I have only had the honor of voting for the last 5 years and I have a hard time believing the promises that politicians make.

I think trust may be the biggest problem with our economy and the inequality we see in our country. We as American's like to believe that our politicians are honest and are going to keep the promises they have made to us, but unfortunately as we have seen for many, many, many years this is not the case. I would like to think that by soaking the rich we will fix OUR economic troubles/inequality, but this seems to be too simple of a solution to what seem to be much deeper issues then just simply taking more money from the rich. Why not the decriminalization and taxation of Marijuana, similar to how cigarettes and alcohol are sold in our county?

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