Monday, October 15, 2012

Post Debate Analysis

For the second week in a row we were treated to a debate. This week it was the Vice President Joe Biden vs Vice Presidential hopeful Paul Ryan, but what was most intriguing to me was the post debate coverage done by FOX News.

This week and last week I chose to turn to FOX News for my post debate coverage, not because I am conservative in my beliefs, but because I am very intrested in how they discuss the debates. After the presidential debate FOX News praised Mitt Romney for his poise and character to "stand up" to President Obama and the promises he failed to keep. They praised Romney because he was so straight forward and didn't let President Obama dictate the direction of the debate. But, that is the problem, FOX News praised Mitt Romney for his demeanor but not for what he was actually saying. Then this week's debate took place, and the same things that Romney was being praised for Biden was being critically judged.

STEPHEN HAYES: "When he thanked Joe Biden, Biden was smirking. And I just think that came across as very disrespectful."
BRIT HUME: "It looked like a cranky old man, to some extent, debating a polite young man."
GRETA VAN SUSTEREN: "The smiles, the sneers ... it made Vice President Joe Biden -- someone who I typically like -- I thought he was very unlikable."
CHRIS WALLACE: "I don't believe I have ever seen a debate in which one participant was as openly disrespectful of the other."
CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: "It was so disrespectful."
SEAN HANNITY: "At times, it was so uncontrollable, I was beginning to worry about him [Biden]."

I understand that FOX News has their own views and beliefs and is able to say and put whatever they want on the air. But to villify a man for the same things you praised your own candidate for doing is just maddness, they (FOX News) want things to be done one way, but when it is done against their candidate it is not alright. This idea that new networks have their own agenda's is a great detriment to our society, because they are not going to give us the important relevent information, but instead they will continue to filter what supports their beliefs and agendas. We as people must find a way to take our news back, and to make it relevant to real world issues.

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